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No Time At All

April 26, 2011

Scientists suggest spacetime has no time dimension

April 25, 2011 by Lisa Zyga report clock


Scientists propose that clocks measure the numerical order of material change in space, where space is a fundamental entity; time itself is not a fundamental physical entity. Image credit: Wikimedia Commons.

( -- The concept of time as a way to measure the duration of events is not only deeply intuitive, it also plays an important role in our mathematical descriptions of physical systems. For instance, we define an object’s speed as its displacement per a given time. But some researchers theorize that this Newtonian idea of time as an absolute quantity that flows on its own, along with the idea that time is the fourth dimension of spacetime, are incorrect. They propose to replace these concepts of time with a view that corresponds more accurately to the physical world: time as a measure of the numerical order of change.

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Tags: physics, time

Posted at: 12:55 PM | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink


March 29, 2011

The whole question of free will is based on a mistaken model of an organism, that there is some conscious 'I' that controls actions of the whole organism. It is actually the organism as a whole that is partially free (in the sense that enough random quantum processes are involved in its internal functioning that its actions are not completely determined by external events). The conscious 'I' is not who we are. We are our entire organism. The conscious 'I' is simply a high level quality control monitor which oversees and sometimes generates feedback that corrects or modifies actions generated by the whole organism at an unconscious level.

Yes, but there is more to it than that.

The total human organism contains many levels of separate consciousnesses — from individual cells, through different organs that control unconscious (autonomic) life support processes, to the individual thinking, discriminating, choosing consciousness (global awareness, will, etc.) that we identify as "I am", "I see", "I feel", "I think", etc.

Here's the way I see it ... Since, according to my ABC theory and model, the overall body (as well as every organism within it) is composed of a series of fractal involved harmonic fields... [More]
Posted at: 12:06 PM | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink


February 17, 2011

> QM is nothing more than symbolic mathematics describing the dynamics
of particle-waveforms and their interactions. It has nothing to do with
explaining anything about the true cause or nature of total reality as
it actually exists. However, since its conclusions about such realities
are open to interpretation, it's perfectly reasonable to link its
apparently mystical findings (such as wave particle dualities, EPR
paradoxes, virtual particles, etc.) with the directly observed realities
experienced in higher states of consciousness that clearly (logically)
explains such paradoxes and other anomalies (such as QM's and GRT's
incompatibilities, and inconsistencies) .
> The only formerly mystical things QM has proved is the existence of so
called "virtual particles" in the Planck volume — which must be the
quantum aspects of the higher order hyperspace (metaphysical) fields
postulated by string-M theories (like electrons/photons are parts of the
lower order EM fields). Consequently, it's perfectly reasonable to link
quantum (and string) physics with the metaphysical astral, mental and
spiritual worlds of the so called (pejoratively by the dyed in the wool
materialists) "Mystics".
> Unfortunately, those materialists (whether faith-based religionists or
not) — knowing nothing about actual higher order metaphysical
astral, mental and spiritual field... [More]
Posted at: 10:02 AM | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink

Quantum Holography

January 16, 2011

Perhaps the answer to the question of possible DNA teleportation would become clearer if we accepted the holographic principle suggested by Bohm and Pribram, and studied the work on the Phantom DNA and DNA wave bio-computer of Peter Gariaev

Phantom DNA-
http://www.emergent gariaev06. htm
Proposed proof of Gariaev theory kbrill/Gallery/ PIOE.htm
Open letter from Gariaev on wave-biogenetics
http://www.fractal. org/Life- Science-Technolo gy/Peter- Gariaev.htm

Doesn't all this seem very consistent with a biohological fractal field theory of cosmogenesis, mind and consciousness, as outlined in my ABC theory?

Leon Maurer
http://knol. k/how-it- all-began#

Tags: bohm, holographic concept, holographic universe, phantom dna

Posted at: 02:01 PM | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink

Nonlocality With Time Reversibility

January 13, 2011

Nonlocality With Time Reversibility
Excerpts from The Unconscious Quantum: Metaphysics in Modern Physics and Cosmology.
Victor J. Stenger 1995. Buffalo NY: Prometheus Books, pp. 145-155.

End notes have been included in the text, with brackets.


Zigzagging through the Vacuum Aether

Some think quantum mechanics can provide nonlocality without glazed eyes. J. P. Vigier has pointed out that an aether consistent with causal precedence and relativity can theoretically exist [Kypriandis, A. and J. P. Vigier. "Action-at-a Distance: The Mystery of Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen Correlations" in Selleri 1988, p. 273]. This has been known for some time and not regarded as troublesome. Vigier refers back to a 1951 paper in which Dirac argued that a quantum aether would not have a definite velocity at certain spacetime points, because of the uncertainty principle [Dirac 1951]. Consequently, an aether in which all velocities are equally probable becomes possible. The resulting state is a vacuum, but at least it does not violate relativity. As mentioned above, Vigier and others have suggested that the vacuum aether may correspond to Bohm's quantum potential.

The vacuum is capable of producing interactions between particles at effectively spacelike separations. This occurs when quantum fluctuations in the...


Tags: epr, paradox, reverse time, spacetime, vacuum

Posted at: 12:32 PM | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink


January 10, 2011

Posted by: "Leon Maurer" leonmaurer1 Mon Jan 10, 2011 1:01 am (PST)


In constructing a valid and consistent, all inclusive theory of consciousness -- we must first ask and satisfactorily answer the following questions:.. Even if only as a theoretical hypothesis of a fundamental cosmogenetic reality that explains them all. 1. What is the necessary condition of individual consciousness (in terms of position, motion, location, etc) , that enables it to perceive, as an instantaneous gestalt, a 3-D composite image of the outer world -- which appears to be an orderly matrix of infinitesimal adjacent pixels (that are apparently detected by individual retinal cells) each transforming and transmitting different qualities of color, tone, shade, etc.? 2. If the visual image were a physical entity in our brain, with each pixel determined by a single neuron or group of neurons -- why does the overall image remain stationary when we turn our head? And, if the fixed image was a direct perception of the outer world, why is the observing consciousness, no matter where located in physical space, always at the exact center of the total space observed? 3. What is the nature of the *medium* that carries the...


Tags: consciousness, zpe

Posted at: 12:20 PM | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink


December 17, 2010

Regardless of all the supposed scientific claims made... None of it in any way negates the fact that the potential mass-energy or G-force (as infinite angular spin momentum) contained in the underlying unconditioned absolute (0°K) space, is the fundamental basis of all manifest existence... .

Therefore, since information AND mass-energy would have to be conserved as Hawkings admitted) there is ample logical evidence (and some recent scientific findings) to believe that the spacetime universe is cyclic in nature (as recently considered by Penrose).

If so, then the total information contained in the DNA could very well be extracted from the total evolutional information of the previous cyclic manifestation of the cosmos from its absolute zero (laya) point... Since this absolute zero (°K) SPACE containing this total information is located everywhere at the ZPE origin of all initial particle-fields in spacetime -- all spatial information must be a hologram -- guided solely by the holographic principle, along with the the DNA and the brain (as postulated by Bohm and Pribram).

Since that information (stored in every zero-point origin of all harmonically resonant fields and forms in spacetime) could be the basis of all DNA encodings, and even the formation of galaxies... [More]

Tags: cosmic hologram

Posted at: 10:01 AM | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink

generating from nothing

December 9, 2010

Dec. 8, 2010

Theoretical breakthrough: Generating matter and antimatter from the vacuum

ANN ARBOR, Mich.—Under just the right conditions—which involve an ultra-high-intensity laser beam and a two-mile-long particle accelerator—it could be possible to create something out of nothing, according to University of Michigan researchers.

The scientists and engineers have developed new equations that show how a high-energy electron beam combined with an intense laser pulse could rip apart a vacuum into its fundamental matter and antimatter components, and set off a cascade of events that generates additional pairs of particles and antiparticles.

"We can now calculate how, from a single electron, several hundred particles can be produced. We believe this happens in nature near pulsars and neutron stars," said Igor Sokolov, an engineering research scientist who conducted this research along with associate research scientist John Nees, emeritus electrical engineering professor Gerard Mourou and their colleagues in France.

At the heart of this work is the idea that a vacuum is not exactly nothing.

"It is better to say, following theoretical physicist Paul Dirac, that a vacuum, or nothing, is the combination of matter and antimatter—particles and antiparticles.Their density is tremendous, but we cannot perceive any of them because their observable...


Tags: antimatter, matter, vacuum

Posted at: 11:26 AM | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink

synergetic universe

November 29, 2010

Posted by: "Leon Maurer"   leonmaurer1

Mon Nov 29, 2010 1:50 am (PST)

This self serving favorable analysis of author #4 by Author_x might make some sense, if he could have shown how structured duality and tetrahedrons coupled with 6^n combinations of such structures have anything to do with explaining the experience of consciousness along with its source and actual mechanisms (the real hard problems of consciousness study)...

And, also, there might be some credibility to his trial theories, if he did not compare his tetrahedral starting geometry with Buckminster Fuller--who actually said the cosmos starts with a vector equilibrium- -which is fundamentally a cube-octahedroon composed of 64 secondarily derived nested tetrahedrons. Obviously, the initial radiant cosmic field, as an inscribed hyperspherical double helix toroid centered on the ZP crossover of three perpendicular axial dimensions of such a cube octahedron-- could be considered the first nested structural duality. (Is this why Pythagorus said the universe geometrizes and is based on numbers and ratios?)

It's also quite self evident (as well as experimentally demonstrable) and now more or less universally accepted by most leading edge physical scientists-- that total space and all particle/wave based forms of matter are fundamentally standing waves of primal... [More]
Posted at: 09:27 AM | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink

standing waves?

November 25, 2010

Open letter to Milo Wolff, and other scientists claiming all matter is made of waves and the electron is a standing wave: Ref:
http://quantummatte html/body_ point.html
http://www.glafreni htm

Since the questions of consciousness, mind, memory (qualia and composite structural information) and the source of the fundamental forces that drive the quantum wave motion have never been adequately explained... The concept that electron spin results from the reflected in-out standing wave motion (as some have also claimed in this and other forums) appears to put the cart before the horse... That is, they say that the wave motion apparently comes before the force or energy that drives it. How could this be? Since when does the effect come before the cause? Are we to believe that quantum wave motion just appears magically out of nothing? Or, when you say "electron spin" are we referring to the wave form's orbital motion rather than the actual source of the angular momentum that drives it (as well as its virtual sub quantum harmonics?

In my carefully considered view, there must be *something* that could possibly exist (outside of total cosmic metric space and time) without prior cause--before the Aether and the quantum... [More]
Posted at: 10:01 AM | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink

Scalars and Human Physiology

November 24, 2010

Scalar Waves and the Human Möbius Coil System

Excerpts from the book “The Heart of Health; the Principles of Physical Health and Vitality” by Stephen Linsteadt, NHD

Contemporary cell research is now based on the principles of quantum physics that shows the world as being created out of energy. Researchers have now demonstrated that our cells’ membranes contain special proteins called Intergral Membrane Proteins (IMPs) that respond to energy signals from the external and internal environment. These are important findings because they acknowledge that biological behavior can be controlled by “invisible” energy forces, which include thought.1

When we shut off our internal mind-talk and concentrate our attention through prayer, meditation or contemplation, we tune ourselves into this subtle, spiritual, quantum-level energy matrix. When this energy is allowed to transfer to our DNA (without interruption from negative attitudes), it affects the molecular and cellular levels that drive all our physical metabolic processes. This is why we have the ability to heal ourselves through prayer, meditation or conscious intention.

We are all connected to each other and to the energy source that makes up the universe. We are totally inter-dependent. Our body, our brain, our consciousness are inextricably joined...

Posted at: 09:15 AM | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink


November 23, 2010

Scalar Energy Information Article

Scalar field theory (SFT) is a set of theories popularized by Thomas E. Bearden (and often rejected by mainstream science) which are claimed to restore certain aspects of electromagnetic theory discarded in the 19th Century by John Henry Poynting and Oliver Heaviside.

Scalar waves
in these theories (as opposed to a scalar field in mainstream physics) are hypothetical waves, which differ from the conventional electromagnetic transverse waves by having two oscillations anti-parallel with each other, each originating from opposite charge sources, thereby lacking any net directionality. Such waves are claimed to be conjugates of each other, and as a result, if left unperturbed, can pass through ordinary matter with relative ease, so they are not included in mainstream physics. Although they have characteristics of longitudinal waves, they are unlike well-understood physical phenomenon such as sound waves or ocean waves.
Scalar waves are called also "electromagnetic longitudinal waves", "Maxwellian waves", or "Teslawellen" (tr., "Tesla waves") Terminology

The basic understanding of scalar field theory
begins with several definition of terms within the theory, which are also used in academic physics, but assigns them other meanings.

    * A "scalar field" is a set of assigned observable magnitudes at... [More]
Posted at: 09:31 AM | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink


October 26, 2010

Re: Higgs at LHC

Posted by: "Leon Maurer"   leonmaurer1

Mon Oct 25, 2010 11:42 pm (PDT)

Apparently, all radiant fields in spacetime are vibrating at their individual natural frequencies (between zero and infinite) as spherical standing waves... Each time the cyclically outgoing and incoming wave form passes through its neutral Zero Point center it is crossing through the singularity. This appliers to all fields from the smallest particle field in the PLanck volume (at near infinite mass-energy) up to the total spacetime field of the inflated universe after its big bang, as well as the initial field of cosmogenesis at near infinite frequency.

Therefore, the singularity is everywhere, since all fields originate from a ZP center... Which is the fundamental nature of the absolute (0 degrees K) space, located everywhere in overall multidimensional spacetime, acting as a BEC.

This static absolute zero-point space, therefore, must be the source of pure unconditioned consciousness -- which is at the center of all radiant fields, including charges surrounding all particle-standing waves, all atoms and molecules, and all their composite forms of inorganic and organic matter.

Accordingly, the fundamental nature of all phenomenal reality is fractal involved harmonically resonant, coenergetic standing wave fields of Electro-Gravitation... [More]
Posted at: 11:08 AM | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink

triangular waves and tetrahedra

October 24, 2010

http://en.wikipedia .org/wiki/ Triangle_ wave
..."Like a square wave, the triangle wave contains only odd
harmonics. However, the higher harmonics roll off much faster than in
a square wave (proportional to the inverse square of the harmonic
as opposed to just the inverse).".. .

http://en.wikipedia .org/wiki/ Sawtooth_ wave
.."The sawtooth wave (or saw wave) is a kind of non-sinusoidal
waveform. It is named a sawtooth based on its resemblance to the
teeth on the blade of a saw.

The convention is that a sawtooth wave ramps upward and then sharply
drops. However, there are also sawtooth waves in which the wave ramps
downward and then sharply rises. The latter type of sawtooth wave is
called a 'reverse sawtooth wave' or 'inverse sawtooth wave'."..... .

http://en.wikipedia .org/wiki/ Triangle_ function
..."The function is useful in signal processing and communication
systems engineering as a representation of an idealized signal, and
as a prototype or kernel from which more realistic signals can be
derived. It also has applications in pulse code modulation as a pulse
for transmitting digital signals and as a matched filter for
receiving the signals. It is also equivalent to the triangular window
sometimes called the Bartlett window."... [More]
Posted at: 12:34 PM | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink

Torus TOE

October 24, 2010

Torus TOE

Posted by: "rybo6"   os_jbug

Sun Oct 24, 2010 4:57 am (PDT)

http://pesn. com/
2010/10/23/9501714_ Vortex_Based_ Mathematics_ at_TEDx_Charolet te_by_Randy_

...."You're blood cells are a torus. DNA is a torus. Magnetic fields,
galaxies ... all toroids. That is why a tornado is more powerful than
an atom bomb. It is a one-way, living, systemic electrical machine; a
self-sustaining jet. You might say: a flying saucer.

I found the way to calculate this torus in a perfect 3-D / 4-D, and
higher mathematical hologram that can be scaled up and down to
infinity, into what we now call the ABHA torus. But sometimes we
refer to it by Marcos' name, which is a Flux-Thruster, Atom-Pulsar,
Electrical Venturi, Space-Time Implosion Field Generator Coil.
(laughter) And with it, it is possible to create a localized space-
time implosion – a controlled desktop black hole. "...
Posted at: 12:33 PM | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink

hyperspatial virtual photons

October 24, 2010

Electrons flowing as electrical currents in the brain or anywhere else do not emit photons. Photons are only emitted from atoms that are heated to a high enough temperature, due to their resistance to electron flow -- such as the atoms of a tungsten wire in a light bulb.

It's not the electrons flowing in the wire that emits the photons, but the electrons in the outer orbits of the Tungsten atoms, which change their state and are driven off as photons at various frequencies, due to their high temperature somewhere below its melting point (3683 K) in the lower visible light range between 1500 K and 8000 K.

Since the brain functions as a low resistance conductor at relatively low body temperatures, it cannot emit photons.

The light we actually see in the mind are the photon/axions of the higher frequency order hyperspace fields whose high energy density particles are located in the Planck volume close to the Zero-Point of pure unconditioned awareness. For our visual consciousness, this point is at the exact center of the brain’s EM field and its higher frequency phase order harmonic mind-memory fields in hyperspace.

Since all the information perceived by consciousness is a... [More]

Tags: biophysics, scalars

Posted at: 12:31 PM | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink


August 17, 2010

Yes, other than the experience itself (qualia), or the experiencer (i.e., perceiver, responder, etc.) – there is nothing that occurs in total space time, or that can be consciously experienced, which is NOT based on material substantiality of individual particle/waves of one degree of mass/energy density or another. Such particle/waves are elements of fractal involved, harmonically resonant, electro-gravitation al energy fields at frequencies extending between zero and infinite ... Whether such fields are labeled physical or metaphysical, spiritual, mental, astral, material, etc.

The basic misunderstanding is the assumption that "metaphysical" *** means supernatural or magical. Another, is that the word "physical" cannot be used in several different ways, such as when referring to the "physical body" or any ponderable material forms, and also when referring to the overall or total space-time electro-gravitation al field – which includes both the higher (frequency phase) order "metaphysical" EM energy fields (spiritual, mental, astral light particle/waves) and the lower order "physical" EM energy fields (photonic light, radio, X-ray, Gamma ray particle/waves, etc.). The highest order metaphysical fields surrounding all physical fields are linked to the invisible sub-sub-quantum "virtual" particles in the Planck volume closest to their ZPE radiative source (which could account for some... [More]
Posted at: 12:20 PM | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink


August 9, 2010

Knowing you are wrong is when you make statements that are not founded in logic or reason. or based on fundamental reality - such as claiming, without any evidence, that energy is fundamentally unpredictable. That's like saying that energy does not conform with and is not governed solely by immutable laws of physics, such as conservation, thermodynamics, symmetry, entropy, enthalpy, etc., etc. There is only one quality of fundamental reality that is unpredictable and indeterminate. And that is phenomenally subjective consciousness itself. Since there is no way to predetermine what choice of willed action a phenomenally conscious entity can make from one moment to the next. Incidentally, however, it's the infinite wisdom of the cosmic consciousness that assures us that it only observes, and takes no part in interfering with the fundamental laws that govern the cyclic manifestations, involutions and evolutions that create this universe and everything in it. Although, there's no preventing the individualized rays of that primal consciousness (once they forget where and from what they originated) from interfering with the normal course of evolution. Our whole problem in understanding consciousness, is the separation of our human consciousness from that cosmic consciousness – which stands alone, independent of... [More]

Tags: consciousness

Posted at: 12:53 PM | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink


August 9, 2010

Knowing you are wrong is when you make statements that are not founded in logic or reason. or based on fundamental reality - such as claiming, without any evidence, that energy is fundamentally unpredictable. That's like saying that energy does not conform with and is not governed solely by immutable laws of physics, such as conservation, thermodynamics, symmetry, entropy, enthalpy, etc., etc. There is only one quality of fundamental reality that is unpredictable and indeterminate. And that is phenomenally subjective consciousness itself. Since there is no way to predetermine what choice of willed action a phenomenally conscious entity can make from one moment to the next. Incidentally, however, it's the infinite wisdom of the cosmic consciousness that assures us that it only observes, and takes no part in interfering with the fundamental laws that govern the cyclic manifestations, involutions and evolutions that create this universe and everything in it. Although, there's no preventing the individualized rays of that primal consciousness (once they forget where and from what they originated) from interfering with the normal course of evolution. Our whole problem in understanding consciousness, is the separation of our human consciousness from that cosmic consciousness – which stands alone, independent of... [More]

Tags: consciousness

Posted at: 12:53 PM | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink


August 2, 2010


July 16, 2010

Here's my thing with all of this... most people miss quite a few key points when discussing "mind over matter" physics.  One, Bohr was the only one who expressed a model like this - the ONLY one.  And strangely at that; because if you analyze his "no right to discuss things in those terms because we don't observe it", that is an incredibly strict ontological projection onto a developing non-ontological model.  Heisenberg never agreed with him, per se. 

Werner brought the "potentialities" into the wave function.  Bohr would hear nothing of this, he didn't allow that kind of language, he equated all reality with phenomenon, in Niels' universe the wave function didn't evolve, it didn't collapse, none of that which we're so familiar with from 70's mainstream ventures, all of that grew later flowing from his student's take on the matter.  It isn't really until Dirac that we start talking in terms of system states, von Neumann laid that foundation, Wigner expanded it, then we come to Wheeler-Feynman and so on.  So, that's point one, when we say Copenhagen, we mean Bohr's quantum physics -- and we almost invariably misstate it. 

Two, Bohr never once said "mind over matter,"...

Posted at: 10:20 AM | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink

Biophysics & Life Processes

June 22, 2010

Vernadsky's Method
Biophysics And the Life Process

by Wolfgang Lillge, M.D.

(Full text of article from Summer 2001 21st Century)

Mitogenetic Radiation

The Harmony of Biophotons


Wolfgang Lillge
Dean Andromidas / EIRNS

Wolfgang Lillge: "We are only at the beginning of the era of'life technology.'"

It has been the legacy of Vernadsky to the future world, to continue the broad-based research effort he began, to uncover the physical principles that are behind the differences between living and non-living processes. As we have heard in Jonathan Tennenbaum's contribution (p. 14), Vernadsky himself always emphasized a universal approach to this problem: What is needed is an understanding of what are the physical characteristics of life that can be measured, among others, in terms of different types of radiation, different wavelengths, magneto-biological criteria, the coupling between various living systems, between living and non-living systems, between living systems and astrophysical systems, and also between non-living and astrophysical systems, and so on.

I want to report here about a number of biological technologies that have been developed completely outside of the molecular biology mainstream in the last 30 years, which provide fascinating insights into the inner state of living cells. What has been...


Tags: biophysics

Posted at: 11:50 AM | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink


June 22, 2010

I'd also like to clarify some of the immaterial or abstract concepts below that you had some trouble wrapping your material brain-mind around.;-) So let me try to more clearly explain things, as well as how they interrelate, and try to pull back the "wizards curtain" a little further.

The first statement quoted below is based on the fact that the initial, all encompassing spacetime field -- which inflates to infinite diameter at near infinite frequency at the first moment of cosmogenesis -- is the source of all subsequent electromagnetic and gravitational fields and forms of mass-energy in our universe. Naturally, this initial field is triune, like two bubbles within a surrounding bubble -- since the first 1-d ray of energy emanated from the spin momentum (or what I call "spinergy" or G-force) of the singularity, must follow a continuously repeating three cycle mobius-Klein, spiral vortex, triple loop path, like a figure eight inside a circle. Obviously, no circular energy field matrix can exist without its lines or rays (strings) of force being directly connected to its initial spin momentum center of origin or ZPE. Vide, the magnetic field of the Earth, the Sun, and that surrounding any magnetized object... [More]

Tags: zpe

Posted at: 11:47 AM | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink

Photon as a Quantum Particle pdf

June 22, 2010

Tags: photons

Posted at: 11:47 AM | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink

The qi-bioelectric body

June 4, 2010

The qi-bioelectric body

By Dr Amir Farid Isahak

THE body is made of 60 to 70 trillion cells. Groups of cells with the same or related functions together form an organ; several organs form the various organ-systems; and all together they make up the body. All the cells have to be healthy for the body to be healthy.

Each cell is made up of 60% to 90% water, along with the important components that allow the cell to function almost independently as a separate organism. The typical cell has a protective outer membrane that contains the cytoplasm, intra-cellular fluid (ICF) and organelles. Except in red blood cells, somewhat in the centre is the command-centre or nucleus (containing the chromosomes/genes), and imbedded throughout the cell are numerous mitochondriae – the energy powerhouses.

The cells are bathed in a sea of fluid called the extra-cellular fluid (ECF), through which nutrients and oxygen reach the cells. The cells discharge metabolic wastes into the ECF to be carried away.

The fine endings of the nervous system fibres and blood vessels (capillaries) terminate in the fluid that surrounds every cell. All vital functions of the cell – respiration, energy balance, metabolism, temperature regulation and...

Posted at: 11:34 AM | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink

ZPE information field

May 29, 2010

Posted by: "Leon Maurer"   leonmaurer1

Fri May 28, 2010 2:23 pm (PDT)

Dear Chester,

I don't really have any hard answers about how information is contained in the zero-point spin momentum. .. Although, logically, if the spin momentum is due to the continued compression of the ZPE fields in the Planck volume, and if those fields carry modulated wave interference patterned information on their surfaces (such as on the event barrier of a black hole, as verified by Hawkings and others) I can't imagine that such information is lost when the final particle-wave compression reaches the state of a BEC and becomes unified with the infinite ZPE of the Absolute mother-father space that underlies the cosmos as well as infinite potential multiverses.

Apparently, the potentially ubiquitous "singularity" of absolute space, having infinite spin momentum on infinite radial axes, could periodically radiate any number of sets of infinite universes similar to our cosmos, as well as any number of radiant electro-gravitation al energy fields at any frequency level between zero and infinite -- without ever being diminished from its infinitely massive ground state. Also, if this is the nature of that eternal (rootless) root of everything -- each physical universe within any... [More]

Tags: zpe

Posted at: 10:07 AM | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink

ain, ain soph, ain soph aur

May 26, 2010

Ain, Ain Soph, Ain Soph Aur

The Three Viels of Negative Existence

The three viels reside above the tree of life and represent the outer limit of existence and the initial impulse of creation.
Ain is the highest and first of the viels. It is literally translated as 'nothing', or simply 'no'; it is absolute emptiness, the opposite of existence, complete absence.
Ain Soph is the middle of the three viels, and it proceeds from Ain by necessity.  It is literally translated as 'no limit'.  If there is nothing then there are no boundaries or limitations; this is the limitless foundation - the eternal in its purest sense.
Ain Soph Aur is the lower viel, situated closest to the Tree of Life, and it proceeds from Ain Soph as a necessity. It means 'limitless or eternal light'. Without any limitations, all things happen by virtue of the fact that there is no reason why they shouldn't.
Light plays a very important role in the philosophy and symbolism of Qabalah, and the Ain Spoh Aur is that light. Light means many things to a Qabalist - the light of wisdom, of life, of grace and so on, but...

Tags: negative existence

Posted at: 04:30 PM | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink

How It All Began

May 10, 2010




Astro Biological Coenergetics (ABC) - is a scientifically philosophical holographic, fractal involved field theory of cosmogenesis, mind, memory, information and consciousness—based on the fundamental propositions that subjective consciousness (awareness, will) is an a priori quality of the underlying, unconditioned ABSOLUTE space—located everywhere in RELATIVE space-time... And that the entire cosmos is a hologram—with all structural information contained in every absolute zero-point "singularity" (infinite ABSOLUTE space) at the origtn of all fields and forms in finite RELATIVE spacetime... Where all such fields' fractal harmonics steps down octavally in frequency phase orders ranging between zero and infinite.

This theory further postulates that total relative gravitational/electrodynamic spacetime, including the higher orders of fractal involved cosmic hyperspacetime fields and all their mass/energy fields (em & gravitational radiation) and forms (particle-standing waves)—both in sub-quantum hyperspacetime and in our lowest frequency phase order physical/material quantum spacetime—are generated from the spin momentum (ZPE) of the “singularity” surrounding each proto-conscious zero-point of primal or absolute SPACE located everywhere throughout total hyperspherical spacetime…

Posted at: 10:27 AM | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink

QB discussion

May 10, 2010

Re: Review paper: QUANTUM BIOHOLOGRAPHY (and its links to mind and c

Posted by: "Leon Maurer"   leonmaurer1

Mon May 10, 2010 2:37 am (PDT)

Happy to see that there's at least one intelligent thinker in these consciousness study forums, who can see how it all began, where the fundamental spacial and solid geometry of the universe came from, and how it all works relatively in conjunction with absolute observer consciousness (latent awareness/will) -- which is located everywhere and phenomenally expressed in ALL sentient beings.

As for your statement...

> I believe, based on my GUTOE that each electron and all fermionic
> particles are compose of 8 waves intersecting. 4 in and 4 out

Check out this cross sectional diagram of an oncoming photon/electron standing wave
http://leonmaurer. info/ABCimages/ PhotonField. gif

It's actually 7 in and 7 out if you add the 3 outer higher order harmonics (astral, mental spiritual fields) to the inner four physical fields (both in and out) -- which inner fields are the basis of the 8^2 nested tetrahedrons that compose the primal cube-octahedron vector equilibrium surrounding every ZP singularity in total fractal involved hyperspherical spacetime. See animations at:
http://www.thereson anceproject. org/graphics. html com/watch? v=1W8pFRoIrnk

As I... [More]
Posted at: 10:25 AM | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink

fractal field involutions spiraling vortically i

April 27, 2010

> I would start with a collision between branes as the initialization to the Big Bang.

LM: What's a "brane" made of? Where did it come from? Where is it located? How did it get there? What (who) put them in motion?
> Such a universe as I understand would be string based and string vibrations would be the basis for the particle zoo.

LM: What's a "string" made of? Where did it come from? What started its vibrations? What's a "particle" made of? How do string vibrations make them? What are their shapes? How does that explain the particle-wave duality and the double slit paradox?
> The Dirac Sea from which half life particles arise would be represented as ranging from the tinest wavlet to the stormy ocean at which point a series of Fourier transforms take place.

LM: What's a "Dirac Sea" made of? What's a "wavelet"? What are they made of? How do they"Transform" ? Is a "Fourier transform" something real? If so--what kind of stuff is it made of?

Check this out:
http://blogs. mathworks. com/steve/ 2009/12/18/ a-very-different -take-on- the-fourier- transform/
> First from stormy ocean transforms into a geography of rolling hills... [More]

Tags: holographic principle, vortex physics

Posted at: 10:21 AM | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink

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