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What Makes Time Matter

Instantaneous Tempic Potential

In a continuous creation, the center of the universe is everywhere and it is a seething cauldron of potential. Everything, every thing, manifests from the temporal interaction with the local nonlinear vacuum of spacetime. The interaction of time and negative time extracts massergy from the limitless ocean of roiling subspace. It manifests the temporal potential of force and form in each and every instant at each and every point of being and our being and becoming.

Zero-Point expert, Thomas Bearden describes time as “spatial EM energy compactified by the speed of light squared.”  Time, therefore, has the same energy density as mass, but in the unobservable time domain, rather than the observable 3-space domain.  Time embodies persistence itself – duration.

The “frozen snapshots” of observable physics have excluded or merely implied this dimensionality of time by invoking memory. But since time is energetic, it has a energy density and potential force, which can be tapped. Empty space is highly energetic.  Nikola Tesla stated in 1891 that the aether “behaves as a fluid to solid bodies, and as a solid to light and heat,” and that under “sufficiently high voltage and frequency,” it could be accessed, implying free-energy and anti-gravity technologies.

The flow of mass, and our own mass, through time is generated by the ubiquitous interaction of photons with the mass. This is so for both virtual and observable photons. Mass moves through time by integrating virtual photons, and absorption/emission of observable photons/biophotons. The internal dynamic flow of time has infolded sublevels and engines that pump up the quantum field effects to breech the mystic threshold of observability.

What Time Is It?

Scalar EM wave vibrations occur in the time domain only. This longitudinal EM wave is called a “scalar” photon in QM, so long as it remains in subspace or hyperspace.  The nonobservable scalar photon is the main operator of Quantum Field Theory (QFT). The combination of the scalar and longtudinal photon is observable as the instantaneous scalar potential. It reveals the threshold of manifestation – unfolding spacetime.

When massergy enters 3-space, it becomes entropic, while the negentropic potential remains unmanifest as its sustaining force. When negentropy manifests, it’s entropy crosses the mystic veil into nonobservability. The generative signal wave is always negentropic, instantaneously reordering previously scattered energy without requiring input energy. Emergent continuous creation.

Time moves forward (retarded wave) as our perceptions verify, but reversed-time advanced waves are enfolded in the energy-density of compactified spacetime.  This dual wave system, namely concentric, divergent and retarded on the one hand, convergent, and advanced on the other hand ensure that data circulates both ways. The advanced wave brings information in from the entire universe. The retarded wave conveys information outward.

In Cramer’s Transactional Interpretation of QM, a standing wave in spacetime is set up by a superposition of advanced and retarded waves, equivalent to the Copenhagen ``collapse of the state vector''. This backward reaching handshake of the future to the past completes the transaction.  The quantum measurement process happens ”when” the transaction is finished.  This happens over a spacetime interval; not a time of collapse, only to an interval of collapse (consistent with relativity).  Signals (t and –t) are sent from the future to the past by quantum particles.

Time-polarized EM waves accompany all logitudinal EM waves. Pumping a living organism with longitudinal EM waves also pumps it with time-polarized EM waves, adding a positive time-charge which persists once the longitudinal EM wave radiation is removed.

Space Time Reversal

SpaceTime Reversal

Reversed time is virtual or imaginary time.  The relevant order of events is more important than the direction of time itself.  Things happen within intervals of time.  Without massergy, there is no spacetime in this universe.  Mass energy and spacetime emerge simultaneously.  Continuity follows because there is no physical instant or progression of time, only uncertain intervals, as wave/particle duality hints.

In his Scale Expanding Cosmos model, Masreliez postulates that the universe is constantly and incrementally changing scale, but the increase is imperceptible because the change in space metrics is accompanied by a corresponding change in the metric of time.  For those who inhabit the universe, things remain the same.

Everything expands at the same pace. The universe expands by changing the scale of both space and time.  When space expands, the pace of time slows down. This four dimensional scale expansion is the impellor of time and probably perturbs space. Kaivarainin states, “The pace of time for any closed system is determined by pace of kinetic energy change of this system. The time oscillation (temporal field) is shown to be related in coherent way to oscillation of electromagnetic and gravitational fields.”

Bearden states, “the resident spacetime curvature engine in the mass if amplified and phase conjugated, forms a precise, amplified antiengine which then slowly time-reverses the mass back to a previous physical condition and state.” However, he cautions that, “time reversing a single object or single group of objects is not the same as scifi “travel into the past.”  For that, the entire universe and everything in it – except the traveler – would have to be time-reversed.

Still, “time-reversal of a single thing such as a particle or wave – or even a group of things such as a group of particles or waves – is not only feasible but is readily achievable,” in a zone (TRZ) where interactions with antiphotons predominate. Vacuum pumps and vacuum engines can be identified in nature.

Ordinary electrons are in a positive energy condition, so the vacuum of spacetime is a vast ocean of negative electronic energy conditions for electrons to sink into and essentially ‘disappear’. If positive energy is added to the vacuum, electrons may also be lifted from the Dirac Sea, creating a flow from the nonlinear vacuum.

The Dynamic Nature of Time

Kozyrev (1967) was among the first to experiment with a dynamical theory of time. The exact sciences negate the existence in time of any other qualities other than the simplest quality of "duration" or time intervals.  This quality of time is similar to the spatial interval. The theory of relativity by Einstein made this analogy more profound, considering time intervals and space as components of a four-dimensional interval of a Minkowski universe.

Only the pseudo-Euclidian nature of the geometry of the Minkowski universe differentiates the time interval from the space interval. Under such a conception, time is scalar (scalar = weight) and quite passive. It only supplements the spatial arena, against which the events of the universe are played out.

"Causal" or "asymetrical" mechanics should be be realizable experience, indicating where the cause is and where the result is. It can be demonstrated that in statistical mechanics there is a directivity of time and that it satisfies our desires. In reality, statistical mechanics constructs a certain bridge between natural and theoretical mechanics.

In reality, the directivity of time signifies a pattern continuously existing in time, which, acting upon the material system, can cause it to transfer to an equilibrium state. Under such a consideration, the events should occur not only in time, but also with the aid of time. Time becomes an active participant in the universe, eliminating the possibility of thermal death. Then, we can understand harmony of life and death, which we perceive as the essence of our world.

Causality is linked in the closest way with the properties of time, specifically with the difference in the future and the past.  Time possesses a quality, creating a difference in causes from effects, which can be evoked by directivity or pattern. This property determines the difference in the past from the future.

Cause is always outside of the body in which the result is realized and the result sets in after the cause.  Causes and results are always separated by space.  Therefore, between them exists an arbitrarily small, but not equaling zero, spatial difference.

Causes and results are separated in time. Therefore, between their appearances there exists an arbitrarily small, but not equaling zero time difference.  Variation in a quantity of motion cannot occur under the effect of internal forces.

In atomic mechanics, just the opposite takes place. In it, the principle of impenetrability loses its value and, based on the possibility of the superposition of fields.  The influence upon the system of a macroscopic body, i.e., they devise, introduces a difference between the future and the past, because the future proves predictable, while the past is not. Therefore, in the temporal environs of the experiment it is not = to 0, although it can be arbitrarily small. In this manner, classical mechanics and atomic mechanics enter into our axiomatics as two extreme systems.

The rate of the transition of the cause to the effect is accomplished through the "empty" point, where there are no material bodies and there is only space and time. Hence, the value C can be associated only with properties of time and space, not with the properties of bodies.

The conversion of the cause to an effect requires the overcoming of the "empty" point in space. This point is an abyss, the transition through which can be realized only with the aid of the time pattern. From this, there follows directly the active participation of time in the process of the material systems.  C is not a scalar value but a pseudo-scalar value: i.e., a scalar changing sign in the case of the mirror image or inversion of the coordinate system [Bearden’s Negative Time].

The time pattern should be determined in relation to a certain invariant. Such an invariant, independent of the properties of matter, can be only space. The absolute value of the time pattern is obtained when the absolute difference in the future and the past will be linked with the absolute difference in the properties of space.

In space there are no differences in directions, but there is an absolute difference between right and left, although these concepts per se are quite tentative. Therefore, the time pattern also should be established by a value having the sense of a linear velocity of turning (rotation). From this it follows that C cannot equal the speed of light, C comprising the conventional scalar.  From the pseudo-scalar properties of the time pattern, there immediately follows the basic theorem of causal mechanics.

A world with an opposite time pattern is equivalent to our world, reflected in a mirror.  In a world reflected by a mirror, causality is completely retained. Therefore, in a world with an opposite time pattern the events should develop just as regularly as in our world. It is erroneous to think that, having run a movie film of our world in a reverse direction, we would obtain a pattern of the world of an opposite time direction.

We can in no way formally change the sign in the time intervals. This leads to a disruption of causality: i.e., to an absurdity, to a world which cannot exist. In a variation of the directivity of time, there should also become modified the influences, which the time pattern exerts upon the material system.

Therefore, the world reflected in a mirror should differ in its physical properties from our world.  However, classical mechanics confirms the identity of these worlds. Up until recent times, this identity was assumed in quantum mechanics and was said to be the law of the preservation of parity.

However, studies by Lie and Young of the nuclear processes during weak interactions led to the experiments, having demonstrated the erroneous position of this law. This result is quite natural under the actual existence of time directivity, which is confirmed by the direct experiments.

This asymmetry can be not only a passive result of the laws of nature, reflecting the time directivity. Most likely, under a definite asymmetry, corresponding to the given time pattern, an organism acquires an additional viability: i.e., it can use it for the reinforcement of life processes.

It is possible that specially formulated biological experiments will be able to prove directly that life actually uses the time pattern as an additional source of energy.  At these points cause and effect should have opposite signs, meaning that there should also be an opposite orientation of the perpendicular plane.

It turns out that the time pattern of our world is positive in a levorotary system of coordinates. From this, we are afforded the possibility of an objective determination of left and right; the left-hand system of coordinates is said to be that system in which the time progress is positive, while the right- hand system is one in which it is negative.  In this manner, the time progress linking all of the bodies in the world, even during their isolation, plays the role of that material bridge.

The rotation alters the possibility of this inflow, and, as a result, the time pattern can create additional stresses in the system. The additional stresses alter the potential and the full energy of the system. These variations produce the time pattern. From this it follows that time has energy. Since the additional forces are equal and are directed oppositely, the pulse of the system does not vary. This signifies that time does not have a pulse, although it possesses energy.

The infinite pattern of time can in no way be altered. Therefore, time proves to be an imparted fate and invincible force. However, the actual time has a finite pattern and can be effective, and this signifies that the principle of time can be reversible.

Newtonian mechanics correspond to a world with infinitely stable causal causal relationships. Quantum mechanics represent another critical case of a world with infinitely real causal relationships.  The theoretical concepts expounded here are basically necessary only in order to know how to undertake the experiments in the study of the properties of time.

The single universal constant, which can have the meaning of a pseudo-scalar, is the Planck constant, h. In reality, this constant has the dimensionality of a moment of a quantity of motion and determines the spin of elementary particles. Now, utilizing the Planck constant in any scalar universal constant, it is necessary to obtain a value having the dimensionality of velocity.

The possibility of communications through time will probably help to explain not only the features of biological relationship but also a number of puzzling phenomena of the physics of man -- biophysics. Perhaps instinctive knowledge, even telepathy, is obtained specifically in this manner. All these relationships are not shielded and hence have the property for the transmission of influences through time.

Further observations indicate that in the causal-resultant dipoles a complete compensation of the effect of its poles does not take place. Obviously, in the process there occurs the absorption or output of certain qualities of time. Therefore, the effect of the process could be observed without a preliminary excitation of the system.

The force fields transmitting the influences should be regarded as a system of discrete, non-overlapping points. This finding is linked with the general philosophical principal of the possibility of cognition of the world.  For the possibility of at least a marginal cognition, the combination of all material objects should be a calculated set: i.e., it should represent a discrete state, being superimposed on the continuum of space.

Among the most important results are the conclusions concerning the finiteness of the time pattern, the possibility of partial reversal of the causal relationships, and the possibility of obtaining work owing to the time pattern.

Kozyrev’s tests (1967) proved the existence of the effects through time of one material system upon another. This effect does not transmit a pulse (momentum), meaning it does not propagate but appears simultaneously in any material system.

In this manner, in principle it proves possible to have a momentary relationship and a momentary transmission of information. Time accomplishes a relationship between all phenomena of nature and participates actively in them.

Organized systems exhibit resonances.  Resonances lead to oscillations.  Oscillations represent time cycles during which changes may be introduced.  Such changes may dampen or amplify the existing oscillations.  Alternatively, they  may create new resonances and excite new sets of oscillations.  The more complex the system, the greater the likelihood of introducing change into the system during any given cycle.  Hence the exponential growth of information.

From these quantum energy-metaphors we have now also found a more efficient way of imagining how energy takes on its 3-dimensional shape as it moves through the temporal dimension of our reality:  Dimenionless virtual/actual particles vibrate across time, forming two-dimensional waves, which oscillate across time in various geometric shapes, which in turn move about in all four dimensions like invisible duct-work energy tunnels.

As shaped energy becomes increasingly ordered into evolving patterns of evolving patterns, it begin to electromagnetically manifest as matter.